Well, what a year that was and actually it was pretty perfect.

We started it off with Evan first professional basketball game and his first black tie event. He did look rather handsome in his suit eating a huge chocolate chip cookie 😊 We immediately followed that up with a trip to NYC. Amtrack from Union station in Dc to Pennsylvania Station  was a great experience, and we packed about 5 days of activities into 2 days 😊

Then came March, lol, things started off pretty normal. School, Church, bro sessions at trampoline parks and other indoor activities, BJJ and all the other things that made up our lives. Evan even got his own cell phone, since getting in touch with him, when he wasn’t at the Big Boy House, was a challenge. Of course then came COVID, school closed for a week, then a month, then for the remainder of the year. In fact schools are still closed as I am writing this. Indoor activities shut down, the BJJ gym closed for a while, and things took an extended pause but not really. Activities did, school did even Church had to pause until online was figured out. Evan didn’t pause, he kept growing, kept asking questions about what was happening, kept calling is Corona Time, and kept smiling, laughing and growing. His first lesson in adapt, overcome, and improvise (thanks Gunny Highway lol). Who cares about a trampoline park we have a big trampoline outside, and a huge yard with a swing and all the toys a kid could want. Who care about the gym closing for a bit we have out own weights, and the weather outside is great for walks on the county trails. You can close inside but outside will always be open. We headed to West Virginia for some Zip lining, tubing and during the summer white water rafting. We pitched a tent in the living room, drove remote control cars outside, had a bon fire, went fishing, shot bb guns, flew kites, baked, played catch, went to drive in movies, camped, did tree top adventure courses, went to the beach, went to the Mountains, Golfed, played the drums, swam, picked apples, and even traveled to Montana in December. I took a new position at the Pentagon; I also started a Doctorate program and Evan started homeschool, we are both still attending 😊 lol

I hope he learned, firsthand all the old saying I would hear growing up. When life give you lemons, make lemonade or when the going gets touch the tough gets going. Most importantly I hope he saw resiliency, and that you’re perception is your reality, if you complain and shut down then that’s your life; or you can shake it off, figure out a new play and keep moving forward.

Speaking of moving forward, I’ve spent the last 2+ years smartly moving forward, documenting all the steps along the way. Which culminated in a 3 day custody hearing, all online in fact on Evans iPad from my office. It was quite a stressful three days, I don’t think I ate at all, prayed like mad and slept when I could. My preparation and patience paid off, I finally received equal time with Evan and while it may not seem like much, going from 30% to 50% it has been 100% amazing. Most importantly Evan is thriving under the schedule.

I think this year I did a much better job of being in the moment, even though my camera was always out, I really was present, perhaps because of COVID and realizing time/life goes by quickly or perhaps its just growth, as a person and parent. Whatever it is I am grateful.

Evan has grown so much its bitter sweet. T shirts I bought him that, at one time, he was “swimming” in now are tight and too small for him. His teeth are literally falling out of his head, he’s writing, spelling, reading and adding 4 digit numbers. He’s growing up and my how we are growing together even more, even as his independence increases the trust and understanding between us gets stronger and stronger. He’s a wild little man with an insanely sweet soul, caring and patient with those smaller than him. Always looking for new adventures with me, Evan’s Dad 😊

2021 is off to a wild start, hug your people, love your tribe and enjoy the ride

A celebration of Equal Custody and all things Evan

a celebration- of 50/50 custody

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