Another great month in the books for the Hill Family, usually I write a few sentences about what each of us is doing (and I like that format) but, this time I want to write about the work behind it all and why I think our Family is the best around.

Every month is jam packed and I mean jam packed with actives, adventures and 1st’s for all of us. First time going somewhere first time having a sleep over first time moving together. There is always something exciting, and somewhat challenging around the corner. How does everything turn out so sweet? How am I writing every month about how much fun something was instead of how hard something was? Am I selectively leaving out the negative experiences? To some extent yes; the petty arguments that families sometimes have don’t get mentioned here; trash not getting taken out, toys not being shared, not listening to your parents/spouse. That stuff, Is pretty normal I think and just part of life.  But how are we constantly on the move doing and going everywhere with no blow up moments. If I had to sum it up in one word it would be; resiliency. These 2 kids, go with the flow, or as my Jiu Jitsu coach would say they flow with the go.

I’ve seen Evan fall hard on his face completely flat 98% of the time he pops up and says “OK” and keeps on keeping on. That boy is tough solid as a steal nail, his ability to bounce back is impressive, and physically he doesn’t stop. I have read, and tend to believe that when kids are young and intelligence is hard to quantify that other indicators can tell how intelligent the kid is. Physical intelligence; how you move, play and control your body, translates to emotional and knowledge based intelligence. Under the same theory Evans physical resiliency will translate to a high level of mental resiliency. That’s just the sort of thing you need when… let’s say job hunting and 10 out of the first 10 interviews doesn’t lead to a job offer; the thing that keeps you motivated to keep pushing and landing that dream job on the 15th interview.