My life was forever changed. After ordering a pizza and wings Brenda and I were relaxing in the living room, her on the couch laying down and me by the fireplace with Hercules (Madeline was at Lola's)  We were just discussing how we would both be going to work tomorrow and wondering if Evan would have to be induced, when all of the sudden a large "POP" came from Brenda's direction, both Hercules and I stopped what we were doing at looked at Brenda. I shouted "your water just broke" I picked up Hercules and ran down stairs to the basement with him. 

I called the doctors after hours number and we went over our "baby bags" making sure we each had what we needed for the expected hospital stay and that we had all Evan would need for his first ride home. he nurse called back and asked if we were on the way to the hospital, i said no lol i called you and was told to wait for your call back. she said go ahead and make your way to the hospital. Ask we got ready to leave, I said to Brenda "I guess we just pay fr the pizza ya? I mean i don't want to stiff them" Brenda said "lets pick it up on the way" lol So we did I got the food and a root beer for her, she had a few slices on the way to the hospital. Once we got there Brenda was taken up to the delivery room, I stayed right by her side leaving the car running, unlocked at the front of the hospital.  I ran down to park in the garage and came back to see Brenda in a hospital gown laying on the bed eating crushed ice :)  

We talked to the delivery nurse and doctor, Brenda was only dilated 1 cm so we had some time to wait, but Evan had to come out in 24 hours because Brenda's water had already broken.  So we waited, it was about 9 pm the only thing on T.V was Duck Dynasty, lol so we watched that until about 11 pm wen the nurse gave Brenda pictosen and an epidural to move things along. I anxiously kept drinking coffee, getting Brenda ice and watching T.V. too excited to sleep. The nurse came in at 12:30 am and said there was a little increase in dilation but not a lot so we should try to sleep and she would be back to check on us around 4 am.  

At 2 am I was asleep and Brenda was up watching more Duck Dynasty; the nurse came in the room, saying Brenda was 9cm and that the doctor was going to come by in a bit. I woke up while the Nurse and Brenda were talking and decided to use the bathroom,, I was in there for 1 minute max then i hear the doctor; "where's Dad? its time" I ran out as fast as I could. Just in time to see the doctor drop the bottom half of the table and tell Brenda to start pushing. 

I sat in the "dad" chair and held Brenda's had (she had given me instructions to not look anywhere but her during the birth:) )  I heard the doctor say push and start counting 1, 2 then stop ok relax now push 1,2 stop ok here comes a big one push push push push 1,2,3,4 ok relax then ok push hard Mom  push push 1,2,3 then cries. It was our SON!!!!!

The doctor laid him on Brenda's chest right away, then had me cut the umbilical cord, and follow him to the exam table. The umbilical cord was around his neck and he ended up getting some fluid in his lungs, he laid on the table getting shots, eye ointment and other tests. During all of this he started flailing his little arms and legs, I was close to him but couldn't hold him or touch him. So i just said in a soothing tome "Evan its OK, daddy's here" and he stopped crying and moving his little body.

The nursed then swaddled him and brought him back to Brenda, she held him right next to her skin then let me hold him. as i held him I looked at him and said I love you.


What an EXPERIENCE! a whirlwind birth, i was still groggy from no sleep but amped on excitement it happend so fast, with duck dynasty playing in the background it seemed surreal like an dream.  All until I held him, I also thought how incredible to love someone you have never met, and the first few words to them you ever speak is I love you.  What a great day, what a beautiful moment in my life; my collection of experiences, I will forever remember everything about that day all the details the smiles, laughs and teas of joy. 

Last night i woke up at 2:20 am at at 2:23 told Evan Happy Birthday Kissed him and told him I  love him.  I think I will do that every year :)

My son I love you so, you make everything so much brighter, sweeter and 1000 times better. I am so glad you are my son and I'm so excited for our future together both as Father and son and as members of the Hill Family. I love you with all of my heart and soul

~ Your Daddy