January 2018

Writing January’s blog in May!

That’s how busy we have been, in fact I haven’t written a post in 2018 at all!

Pics have been up thoug J Thank goodness they help job my memory and remind me of all of the activities we accomplished that month

In January 2018 we:

Played with all of the new toys Santa brought

Evan and I saw Ferdinand the bull- he put a skittle in his nose lol we have to do the “farmer blow” to get it out

Maddie started really getting into maku-up

We built a fort outside at Bapa and Lola’s

We had a few visits to Billy Bee’s great place and a good spot to get your wiggles out when its soooo cold outside

Maddie opened her first bank account with Lola

We all went to see a monster truck show

Evan started getting into crafts and writing his name

We had an indoor sac race, again those darn wiggles lol

Brenda Maddie and I got hooked on a game called exploding kittens!

Evan had his first taekwondo class… not a big fan lol

We bundled up and played outside in Evans new cars

Tromped though the trails at Bapa and Lolas

Celebrated Uncle John’s Birthday

Spent time at Top Golf

And raced around with School, errands, work and life in between!

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