This month can be summed up in one word; Harmony
har·mo·ny (härm-n)n.
1. A pleasing combination of elements in a whole:
My sunshine
Maddies birthday is the 28th, we celebrated early at Jump-N-Jimmy's
It was a great birthday Madeline, the social butterfly, got to spend plenty of time hanging out with all of her pals, she loved it. As well as all of the gifts :)
Thank you to all who attended!
She is also in the 4 year old group at day care; the Owls. In the Owls personal responsibility is becoming more of a focus as she is responsible to complete homework and remember her school binder daily. She has done an amazing job with it all especially her alphabet and numbers skills. Brenda and I are impressed ever day with how much she grows and how big she really has gotten. It is bitter sweet .
On top of all of this she has become a daddy's girl! YES I LOVE IT! I love that we have gotten so close and how she chooses to spend time with me running errands rather than watching TV. I love the level of trust she has in me, how she feels safe with me, and I especially love how proud she holds her head when we dance. I feel like the only dad in the world when she reaches over and holds my hand. Madeline has my heart and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Evan is getting so so so big I can see it in his Mama's tummy every day. Lola, Bapa, Maddie and I went with Brenda to see Evan in a 4D ultrasound. It was amazing. To see your baby like that before they are born is an awesome experience. He was active, smiling, and working on his jiu-jitsu choke defense, just like his Daddy :)
Oh my little boy I can't wait to meet you and hold you in my arms.
Daddy and his little girl
As for me; well I am ever thankful for all we have been blessed with. I have a new found motivation deep inside me to be a better MAN at everything I do. I like to think I always have held myself to a high standard, a lot of that was due to the Marine Corps, but now I am driven by a great power, my family:) I want to be the best I can be for them at all times at all things. From reading articles on how to father with intentionality to giving Maddie baths and picking up behind the family so Brenda can relax more; I am determined to be the best father and husband possible. This is the main focus of my life; day after day and its paying off big time!
This amazing connection between Madeline and I wouldn't have happened so quickly had I not read the books, put in the work and spent as much time with her as possible. Brenda and I wouldn't be where we are at in this amazing journey together if we both didn't put in the work to trust in and rely on each other. The beautiful thing is it doesn't feel like work; its a fun, learning and unique experience that I cherish.
Hercules the neighborhood hound
This family is so close and tight you would think we have all lived together forever, instead of 4 months!. Even Hercules is acting different a true family dog! He is always looking for the girls when I let him in, if they aren't there he goes from room to room looking for them. He is more mellow around Maddie and all the other kids in the neighborhood. He is super popular with all of the kids!
Have you ever experienced a moment in your life when things just all of the sudden came together harmoniously? Well; that was this month for this little family. No longer do any of us see the family in its prior parts of Hercules and Wes plus Brenda and Madeline rather we all view it as one big happy family; the Hill Family.
Harmony is a pleasing combination of elements in a whole; and I am so blessed to be a part of this Harmonious Family
Here are a few videos of Maddie working out with Dad :)