Don't Blink
October 2013 was jammed packed full of events, excitement and adventures. If you blinked you would have missed something amazing. We had a Manshower, Apple Orchard visit, Halloween, Birthdays,Class trip to the pumpkin patch, Weddings, Grandparents visits, Baby check ups, work travel, and of course the daily ins and outs of a family of four soon to be five:)
Evan's Wall
Evan is ALMOST HERE ! Wow how did that happen! It really only seems like a few weeks ago Brenda and I were blessed with the news we were in fact going to have a baby. Now he is only 24 days away! Did I blink? Did I fall asleep for a few months? Where did the time go? I am filled with panic, joy and excitement as I continually wonder if I have prepared enough. Did I read enough books, is his room really done, what about clothes, car seats? One thing I know we don't need, for about a year, is diapers! The fellas really came though at the Manshower with about 1500 diapers and 1001 wipes!
Thanks Fellas!
If 9 months, well 8, went by this quickly; I can only imagine how fast his first years will fly by.
Hard to believe he was ever this small
Hercules Just turned 3; he is a big soft slobbery ball of love and energy. Just like his Dad! It seems like just yesterday I left work early to drive to Winchester and pick him up from the breeder. He is the best dog a guy could have and is really a great family dog as well. He listens to Madeline and Brenda, sitting/staying on command. I am really lucky, we are all really lucky that he is our dog!
Dad is doing great! Work is gong well and if you couldn't tell I am loving life and my family! What a great adventure life is, that old cliche "life not a destination, but a journey" really rings true this month. No one mentioned how fast that journey would go, I feel like there is a jet pack strapped to my back as I blast through the months and activities.
I try to capture it all; to take pictures, to stop taking pictures and enjoy/live in the moment. I try to cultivate memories and have intention in what I do, vice just ho humming through the days. I try to instill lessons for Madeline about hard work, honesty, and love at pretty much every chance I can but, I also just love to play be silly and wrestle with her.
Love her
This month really reminds me of a Ferris Bueller's day off quote "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
This website, while originally designed to keep everyone up to date on the family, reminds me how great we all have it, how much love we all share, and how fast life really goes by. Take a second and checkout some old posts, and these new pics :)