What an amazing few weeks we have had since returning from California, where we were married:) 

​Bath Time

​Bath Time

We are in the process of putting the finishing touches on Brenda's place so we can rent it out on June 1st, when Maddie and Brenda move to our Gainesville home. In parallel we are moving things to Gainesville slow and steady and I am also finishing up a deck at the Gainesville house.  Baby appointments are spread through out the weeks and we are still talking to day care providers in Gainesville for Madeline.  To say we have been busy is an understatement! 

But through all of the driving, painting, packing, appointments and more driving I have found myself happier than ever before, more so than I ever though possible.   These two sweet ladies have filled my life with such joy and excitement its indescribable.  I can only imagine how blissful things will be when the baby gets here :)  

​First Sonogram 

​First Sonogram 

Brenda is 10 weeks pregnant and things are gong great so far! outside of some sickness throughout the day ( the term morning sickness confused me a bit lol ) she has been doing great.  We had out first sonogram and the baby is developing right along schedule and his/her heart beat was strong and steady.  When i heard the heart beat time seemed to stand still and tho it was only for a few seconds i still remember the sound clear as day.  I am beyond ecstatic to meet this little life changer!


Through out all of this change Brenda and I have grown immensely closer trusting and relying on each other more than ever and i can feel our amazing, loving life partnership  blossoming and growing ever more deeper and stronger.

So excited for things to come but so blissfully thrilled with how they are now  

​Bapa General and Daddy Wessy working on the deck

​Maddies Room beginning 

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