The Journey
The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step~
March is a continuation of our journey together and pretty much revolved around the sale of our home. We spent as little time inside of it as possible. This helped keep it clean and "show ready". Our efforts were rewarded; we're currently under contract with a purchase price 11,000 over asking👍🏻
Evan is learning new things all day long. Recently he's found his tongue, stuck it out for about 2 days straight, his nose, finger fits perfectly, and his walking speed, I have to run to keep up with his walk. His motor skills are amazing. An example of this was when he got in the pantry, grabbed a juice box from the large container. He then took the straw off, unwrapped it, and stuck it in the hole! The hole was a little small so he used his teeth to make it bigger first. This kid is smart always copying what everyone is doing always figuring out a way to get what he wants. And he's strong especially for a 16 month old his grip is insane to where I have to pry his fingers open sometimes and he can pull himself up on the bathroom counter and hand with just one arm; while he swipes Maddies tooth brush lol.
Dad and Hercules are doing fine. I'm wrapping up my last month as a government contractor and Hercules is enjoying he warmer weather on the deck. I was fortunate to be recognized as the employee of the month, and received a bonus for it as well. I'm looking forward to the future; new house, new job, new adventures and excitement. All with the people I love the most. Life truly is a journey, not a destination, I couldn't pick/desire/imagine any other team to carry out the journey with