growing GrOwiNg GROWING!
June has flown by so fast!
The girls moved in on the 1st, we had a BBQ at our house (The Thunderdome) on the 8th for all of our friends and neighbors and I started a new job on the 24th.
The one thing i have notice through the June whirlwind is that growth is all around us!
The flowers are blooming, baby birds are hatching (the neighbors have a nest on their house) and our Family is growing together!
Hill Baby
Brenda is 17 1/2 weeks along and her tummy is really starting to show the HILL baby in there! We are really excited for the next ultrasound and we find out if its a boy or a girl! only 2 1/2 more weeks :)
Maddie started Pre-School at Kiddie Academy near our house and loves it so far. I swear she grows a foot ever other week. She so smart and has such a great memory its unbelievable.
Hercules loves having Brenda and Maddie in the house he gets 200% more attention!
I started a new position with Alion Science and Technology as the Principal loggie for Navy Sub underwater weapons program, so far so good:) I also was blessed with my first fathers day, whew what a great experience, if you know me you know I'm a crier so every thoughtful gift i received had me in tears lol. Thanks to the Family for all of the wonderful and useful Fathers day gifts!
Its so incredible how fast life can change and how fast it DOES change. I am truly blessed for all of these amazing changes and wouldn't trade it for the world!.
Maddie at BBQ
As with all growth there are adjustment changes and yes sometimes growing pains :) but thankfully My wife is a strong women and keeps the family together and loving all the time. I couldn't ask for a more amazing beautiful perfect women to spend forever with.June was a great month even though I blinked and it was gone.
I wonder where we will all be this time next year; we, just like the world around us, are always growing and changing. So excited for things to come, but with a family like mine how can you NOT be!