How we are able to fit so much love and happiness in only 31 days still amazes me!
When I sit down for the monthly update all I can remember from the last 4 weeks is all of the fun filled and loving adventures we shared. I don't remember arguments (pretty sure they never happen:) ) stressful days or the random curve balls life throws you, like coming home to a destroyed mail box lol.
Mt. Vernon selfies
I do remember clear as day how happy I was at the Aquarium with my girls how special this years 4th of July was (first family 4th) and how incredibly excited I was when we found out we are having a boy.
We are an active family! we always seem to have plans for some exciting day trip every weekend. I love these moments and have to remind myself to stop taking pictures and just live in the moment, like the girls do :), and enjoy this special time together.
On the 4th we took a trip to Mt. Vernon followed up by a BBQ and fireworks at our house:) The fireworks were imported lol from PA where John and I spent about $400.00 to make the best 4th to date! Then on the 20th we took a trip to the Baltimore Aquarium, Maddie loved all of the fish and underwater creatures. She is growing up so fast it's crazy, such a personality and inquisitive mind, I love watching her grow!
Brenda and I even make time for ourselves on the weekends Maddie is gone, from hanging out with John and Kim to shopping for Evan to Massages at the spa we stay holding hands laughing all the way.
Now that I think about it I am amazed at all we fit in, in just a few weeks lol.
This was the month we could finally find out if we were having a boy or a girl. Everyone we know kept saying boy boy boy! I obviously had my fingers crossed for a boy and low and behold its a BOY!! woooowhooooo!
I have never felt that emotion or emotions lol, that rushed over me when I heard it was a boy. Being a crier I of course cried but it was more than excitement or nervousness. More so a realization of what an amazing responsibility I will get to have. I will get to teach a boy how to be a boy and one day a Man. I am so grateful for this opportunity and so blessed that i have an amazing wife to help teach with me :)
We had picked out the name before Brenda even got pregnant lol. I have always liked names with a story behind them, a meaning to them, more that just sounding cool or pretty. Brenda has an amazing family, seriously one of the most solid loving family teams I have seen, I always have admired that and thought it fitting to try and incorporate that sense of family and heritage into our babies name.
Brenda's maiden name is Evans, we both wanted to keep that name going somehow so we dropped the "s" and we have Evan :) a solid name for sure. Bryan is Brenda's step fathers Last name. Being a step father myself I understand what it's like to completely and unconditionally love a person who isn't your biological child. Dave does that to the fullest, he has a huge heart and is very sentimental, (kinda like another guy I know:) ) in addition to all of that he spent many many years serving the country as a Army Office and retired as a Major General. Dave inspires me to be a better person, to love more, and relish in the little intricacies of life. For all these reasons and more we chose Bryan for our babies middle name.
Evan Bryan Hill, even before he was conceived we had the name, I love that. I love how our life story is playing out. I love every single moment of every single second of every day. I love the good night hugs and kisses Maddie gives me and sleeping next to my gorgeous wife, rubbing her tummy as it grows. I'm not sure what I did to deserve this perfect life but I am very grateful.
What a month what an amazing 31 days I wouldn't trade it for the world.