Baby its COLD outside!

January, brrrrrrrrrrr, what a cold month. Almost every morning it was in the single digits and the negatives with the windchill; only to warm up to the low 30's later in the day.  The family stayed nice in warm inside with the nest thermostat, fire place and of course our Love :)

Evan getting bundled up before we go to Lola and Bapa's

Evan Bryan is growing so crazy fast, he is up to about 14 lbs and is only 8 weeks old. Evan always has the ladies at kiddie academy oohing and ahing whenever Brenda brings him in. I am stunned at how fast he is growing up, even at only 8 weeks!.  He moves his eyebrows, or  as Madeline says elbries, he makes the cutest noises when he is trying to talk, and the best thing ever.... he can SMILE :):):)  I have been a lot of places and have gotten to do amazing, insane things but my best memory to date, came recently when I picked him up and began talking to him, he got a huge toothless smile while looking right into my eyes.  The connection we have already is perfect I cant wait to watch is grow and develop as we both do in life. The most remarkable thing is how much he is starting to look like me (poor guy lol); his eyes are getting bluer by the second, his hair is getting darker, and he is developing a dimple on his chin! MAN I am lucky to be this boys dad 

Luck Man

Dad is gong great, staying busy myself with my MBA, work, and this awesome family.

I never really know what to write when I sit down every month, I just sort of start typing and see what comes out.  I guess this way it's always from the heart and not contrived.  I have spent a fair amount of time reflecting on 2013; things I did "right", things I didn't do so well with, and how to improve all around.  I have to say 2013 was INSANE we got married, I changed jobs, the girls moved in, we had Evan, I started school, Madeline started school, Brenda stopped working, in addition to all the other life happenings.  As you can imagine at times this was stressful, to say the least lol, but Brenda and I held it together we kept our relationship steady and solid through it all.

Hercules Brutus Hill :)

Hercules Brutus Hill :)

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