As August comes to an end and I reflect on the month; I am proud of all the things I built and am so inspired by the other "builds" in the family.
Evans room now has a wood accent wall, made with old pallets, Bapa's palm sander, stain, saws, bradley nailer, my and Maddie's muscles plus a whole lot of love :) I also had time to put together his crib, hang a new light in his room, put together some storage boxes in the closet, build a magnetic chalk board and finish a few projects around the house.
Maddie with Hecy
Speaking of Maddie and Love, I love that little girl. So full of life and energy she keeps me on my toes from wrestling to hair salon I love all the games we play and the time we get to spend together. Shes become quite the little dancer and loves the music crazy loud (I think she gets that from me) :) But besides being a ball of fire she is the sweetest little soul, I took a day off this month to stay home with her when she was sick, and we had to take Hercules to the vet as well. Without me saying anything to her, she stayed right by his side and squatted down next to him the whole time. Petting him and even holding his paw. It Melted my heart, SHE melts my heart and I am sure she always will, just like her Ma'ma.
Brenda is getting BIG so so BIG I, unlike her, LOVE IT. I absolutely love feeling her tummy at night and feeling Evan kick when I start talking. So so so so amazing, that while I build; decks, bars, design rooms, and small projects Brenda builds a life. She, from scratch, is building our Son! how amazing is life, how absolutely breath taking it is to watch the women of your dreams grow and build the son you have always dreamed of :) There is nothing I can do or say to express my complete adoration for Brenda, not only does she put up with me :) she makes our world go round. Such an amazing woman and partner.. I could go on and on, and probably will every month:)
Were getting closer to meeting our Son, only about 3 more months. I cant wait, I think about him every day, all the things I will teach him, and all of the family fun in-store!
Mommy and Evan
Building, is essential to growth and as this family grows we all build in some way. A project, a personality and a life.
I love this family what a great month
Check out Maddie's Moves!