We are Dog People
I guess I’ve always known that, at a young age Evan was crawling on Hercules, feeding him by hand and snuggling up to him.
As Evan has gotten more active Hercules has slowed down, sleeping about 20 hours a day! Lol
On our winter trip to Montana Evan couldn’t get enough of Maverick, Uncle Eric’s dog. I would find Evan snuggled up between Bella and Maverick on their dog bed, saying things like “Dad I was going to shower but then I saw the cutest thing ever, dogs snuggling dogs”. Much of our days revolved around walking Maverick, playing with him in the back yard and Evan hanging around his neck like a second collar.
It was clear we needed a bigger dog for Evan to play with, one that could take walks and run without getting “over heated” like an English Bulldog. Enter the American Bully, just like Maverick, a medium height wide chest large noggin working class dog. This breed has been around for about 20 years, bred to be a family dog, very loyal and protective, they look fairly vicious but are the biggest goof balls. So of course, we had to get one! I followed a few breeders online and one just happen to have a buyer fall through, so France Domo and I headed to Maryland to see the puppy and Mama.
Then there he was a short low slung wide puppy, and we were in love. On the way home we thought about names, my previous dogs named Brutus and Hercules; I wanted to stay with the Greek Mythology. It took a few hours but then Domo came up with Titan. Perfect!
2 months later and I picked him up from the breeder and brought him home. Evan cried happy tears and they have been inseparable ever since.
Long live Titan!